Simple Sundays

I love this video.  It is beautifully narrated by Brother David Steindl-Rast, words that he wrote himself.  Each time I view this video I am reminded that each day is a gift.  Even if I am down simply sitting and opening my heart as Brother Steindl-Rast recommends has such a profound effect on me.  This is my first post from my new home in Louisiana.  I’ve got a lot to share and stories to tell.  It’s good to be back!  Wishing you all a good day, filled with gratitude!  Enjoy the precious little girl and her special message as well.

4 Responses

  1. Marisa Franca @ All Our Way Says:

    Welcome Back! I’ve missed seeing your posts. It is wonderful to have family around — what a joy. I haven’t listened to the video yet, I wanted to write to you first. I’m looking forward to reading all about your life in New Orleans. Hugs! Will email you later.

  2. Melissa Says:

    Thank you Marisa! One day at a time right now but New Orleans is a fabulous place full of history, music…..AND FOOD!

  3. Nancy Kirkpatrick Says:

    Good to have you back! Let’s talk later about guest postings for each other. Good times! n

  4. Melissa Says:

    Good to BE back! YES! I would love to trade guest posts with you. Sharing our worlds with our readers is a wonderful idea!

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